Sunday, June 21, 2009

14 - 256 variations of the bending upper-body

Original Body Exercises are meant to train your body in many different ways. Several of these exercises are not widely known and give practice to muscles that you commonly don't use. Practice these and other exercises for some time daily to increase the flexibility and strength of your body and for better health and ability. These exercises are excellent preparation for dance and martial arts.
Do as many reps as you feel comfortable with. Then after some time repeat, relax, and repeat again.
To prevent injuries never overdo any of these exercises.








In this exercise we bend the upper-body as far as possible in different directions, in a standing position. Practice the body bending in 8 different directions, to the sides, forward and backward and diagonally. Combined with different foot and leg positions this amounts to 256 variations.

a. Fig's 1 and 2 show foot positions, feet close or farther apart.

b. Fig 3 shows the legs with bent knees. Practice all these exercises with your legs straight or bent in the knees.

c. Fig's 4 and 5 show two of eight feet positions. Your feet stand next to each other, one foot back and one foot in front, and one foot in a diagonal position in relation to the other.

d. Fig's 6 and 7 show two of the eight possible bending positions.

Feet closer or farther apart - 2
Legs bent in the knees or not - 2
Feet positions in relation to each other - 8
Bending in 8 directions.
2 x 2 x 8 x 8 = 256. Exercise all of these variations in several reps.


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