Wednesday, June 17, 2009

4 - Balance on wooden ball

Original Body Exercises are meant to train your body in many different ways. Several of these exercises are not widely known and give practice to muscles that you commonly don't use. Practice these and other exercises for some time daily to increase the flexibility and strength of your body and for better health and ability. These exercises are excellent preparation for dance and martial arts.

Do as many reps as you feel comfortable with. Then after some time repeat, relax, and repeat again.
To prevent injuries never overdo any of these exercises.

1. To do this exercise you need a wooden ball. You may be able to use a ball made of another material, but the weight of the wooden ball is what makes this exercise possible. It isn't easy to get a wooden ball. I made several  myself of oakwood with different diameters using a lathe on a woodblock composed of several layers glued together.

2. First stage of the exercise is to stand on the wooden ball. The larger the ball is, the easier the exercise.

3. Advanced stages: Walk on the ball. Stand on one leg on the ball. Do rope-jumping on the ball. I myself managed walking on the ball but some people around me advanced to the rope-jumping.

4. If you don't have a ball, you can use other objects to stand and balance on like a small stool or poles in the ground.

5. Be careful with this exercise. When the ball starts rolling you may fall. So.... don't overestimate your ability! If you fear to fall, support yourself by holding yourself with your hands, for example standing in a door post.

6. This exercise is great fun once you master it! Children love it. Exercise each day for five or ten minutes and you will improve. For some people, especially older ones, it may take months to learn it though.

7. To prevent the ball from rolling too easily make sure the ball is on a floor that isn't smooth, not a wooden floor but a thick carpet, for example.

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