Wednesday, June 17, 2009

9 - Fast limb movements

Original Body Exercises are meant to train your body in many different ways. Several of these exercises are not widely known and give practice to muscles that you commonly don't use. Practice these and other exercises for some time daily to increase the flexibility and strength of your body and for better health and ability. These exercises are excellent preparation for dance and martial arts.

Do as many reps as you feel comfortable with. Then after some time repeat, relax, and repeat again.
To prevent injuries never overdo any of these exercises.




The purpose of this movement is to loosen muscles in many parts of your body. Here are shown just three examples, but you can think out many more positions to work on different parts of your body. The principle is always the same: Put an arm or leg or foot or hand or any part of your body in a certain position and make fast movements back and forth over a small distance. Do this as quickly as possible. This is only possible when the muscles needed to make the movement are entirely relaxed. Make movements in all possible directions: Back and forth, to the sides, up and down, make small circles.

a. Stretch out one arm (or two arms together) and make fast but small movements up and down, to the right and to the left, diagonally, and in small circles (fig 1)

b. Rest with your hands on a table and lift up one leg so your underleg comes horizontally. Make the movements as described above, out from your knee (fig 2)

c. Rest your elbow on a stool, or do the exercise sitting and resting your elbow on a table. Make fast movements with your underarm in all directions (fig 3)
Now think out new exercises, for your head, your entire upper body. Assume many different positions. For example, you can make leg movements out from your hip, out from your knees, or out from your ankles. As you get more practice, try to increase the speed.
You will notice that it is much easier to move limbs or body parts in one direction than in another one.

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