Wednesday, June 17, 2009

12 - Falling on your hands

Original Body Exercises are meant to train your body in many different ways. Several of these exercises are not widely known and give practice to muscles that you commonly don't use. Practice these and other exercises for some time daily to increase the flexibility and strength of your body and for better health and ability. These exercises are excellent preparation for dance and martial arts.

Do as many reps as you feel comfortable with. Then after some time repeat, relax, and repeat again.
To prevent injuries never overdo any of these exercises.







These exercises are meant to learn falling into different directions, to the front, the sides and the back. There are many other techniques for falling and this one is not necessarily the one to be applied always. For example, in many situations you might want to roll your body and then stand up again. The advantage of this technique of falling however is that you land on your hands and you can rather quickly stand up again in one movement while your arms and legs act as springs.

Note that your knees and bottom or hips never touch the ground!

Main technique: While you fall go down through your knees, bend your knees so you assume a lower position. This aspect of the exercise is very important. You need to do this with the exact correct timing.

a. The beginning position is normal standing (not shown)

b. Figures 1 and 2 show the falling in forward direction. Before your knees touch the ground, push yourself up again to standing position.

c. Figures 3 and 4 show the falling to a side. Before your lower leg touches the ground, push yourself up again to standing position.

d. Figure 5 shows the lowest position of falling to the back. Before your bottom touches the ground, push yourself up again to standing position.

Repeat these exercises many times so they become a reflex and you will be able to perform in a real and unexpected fall.

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